Wednesday 14 October 2015

Ignite presentation - feedback

  • Clearly lays out media issue and text - justifies descision to choose it to
  • Serious lack of rehearsal - this would suggest you havent run through the presentation once before - major issue
  • This then impacts on the pace of the presentation - too fasts and lacks depth
  • Gets back to the issue well - and actually lots of good visual examples from the films
  • Lack of rehearsal is a major issue and loses the whole structure/effect
  • Attempt at textual analysis - sound - is good to see but lacks depth required for A2
  • Some use of media terminolgy but trying yo cover too much. Good to see some media thoery, but 'less is more' - needs depth
Significance: 2
Structure: 2
Simplicity: 2
Rehearsal : 2
Total:       8

  • Q+A handed well - first question tricky but later questions helpful and move debate on
  • Need to consider these issues at a much greater depth - far too simplistic 'males into cars, femlaes into makeup'
  • Reference to costume in Q+A raises another important point for investigation
WWW: i included basic information about my issue and film and have related it to some theorists. I also had good visual images in my presentation, which clearly showed the audience what my issue is about

EBI: My presentation was more detailed and slower as rehearsal was poor due to the transitions added. I should have also spoken more about how and why women are being represented in the media in the way are shown to audiences now. Furthermore, next time i should rehearse my presentation right at the end when the transitions were added rather than before they were added. Finally, i should have spoken about the theorists in more depth.

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