Friday 9 October 2015

Critical investigation proposal

Working title
To what extent do the movies 'Fast and Furious 7' and 'Catwomen' reinforce gender representations in the media? 

How are females and males represented in the movies 'Fast and the furious 7' and 'Catwomen' and what impact does this have on audiences?

Does 'fast and furious 7' create a damaging effect about how genders are portrayed in the media on audiences? why?

To what extend does 'Fast and the Furious 7' reinforces gender stereotypes and how does this differ from Catwomen?

Angle - my opinion
What do these representations have on audiences? 
The film portrays a negative stereotype of women in the media and this has a really huge damaging effect on the audiences as it will make them think that it is the norm for women to be seen as sexual objects and that they're weaker and more vulnerable then males.

Hypothesis - 
Female representations have been reinforced in the media and audiences have created negative stereotypes and representations of women, compared to men.

The representations of males and females are psychologically damaging our minds as it creates negative stereotypes towards females and positive ones towards males.

Linked production piece
1) A story about a vulnerable girl who is kidnapped by a bunch of big males
2) A documentary on what audiences think about the representation of genders in the media


To which genre does the text belong?

What is the significance of mise en scene/sets/settings (CLAMPS)?
Cars were used in the trailer to emphasise the races that were about to occur. Also, the lighting was mainly high-key lighting which allowed the audience to see everything within the trailer. Furthermore, the characters wore casual clothing to make it look like reality rather than artificial and fake. However, the female characters were only half dressed (naked) which portrayed them as sexual objects. Moreover, it was set in America and dubai in different locations, which made the audience realise their mission is huge. 
  • Cars were used in the film as the main concept about the movie is about racing and winning money for it
  • High-key lighting used throughout, to show audiences everything within the scenes
  • Characters wore casual clothing to make it look like reality
  • Females wore skimpy clothing to portray them as sex objects, which is most males see women as
  • Set in America and Dubai
Who is being represented? 
  • Dom - protagonist - strong fighter/racer
  • Letty - Vin Diesals girlfriend - also a strong fighter and racer -- alternative representation
  • Brian - 2nd protagonist - ec cop, strong fighter and racer, Doms left and right wing
  • Mia - Brians wife
  • Women - half dressed - seen as sexual objects -- dominant representation
  • Friends - helpers - also strong racers
Why is the subject being represented in this way? 
To show the audience there's a superior hero for them to look up to show the audience that the males are well off and powerful(women) shows they are weaker than men's and are only there for mens entertainment 

What are the dominant images and iconography, and what is their relevance to the major themes of the text?
The dominant pictures would be of the main protagonists, Paul and Vin as well as the cars money and women. Their relevance in the movie is that they make it more engaging and fascinating as the main protagonist comes across obstacles to we with either one of those three aspects.

How is the audience positioned in relation to the narrative?
The audience are positioned in a way which makes it seem as if they are part of the movie; like its reality. They characters are wearing casual clothing, its sets in america and dubai in local known areas and so it makes them feel apart of it.

How is the narrative organised and structured?
The narrative of the movie continues throughout all the 7 series. However, each series has a different narrative where it has been solved in the end.

What is the role of such features as sound, music, iconography, genre, mise-en-scene, editing etc within the narrative?
The role of sound plays a huge part in the movie as it makes everything seem more dramatic and intriguing, it adds to the depth of the genre as well as the iconography. The editing is fast paced and has been made into quick dramatic clips to make it seem as it the clip is racing itself.


Apply the Wider Contexts (Social, Historical, Economic, Political) to your text/topic, including at least three bullet points on each one.
  • It creates a dominant representation on the genders in the media for the audiences
  • objectified women in the media
  • Men as more powerful and women as weak
  • Women have changed dramatically in the media. They went from being reserved to now seen as sexual objects. 
  • Seen wearing skimpy clothing
  • Are exploited more by men then before
  • Before, it was about their voice and now its all about their bodies
  • The revenue - “Furious 7” has grossed $735.2 million overseas in 17 days and $273.7 million in North America after 15 days — making it the fastest movie to reach $1 billion.
  • Profit - FF7 made a significant profit of $1.37 billion
  • Cost to make it: $119 million 
  • Box office: $1.512 billion
  • Equal pay
  • Feminism

Select at least five and say how each relates to your study, using the Media A-Z to help you think about this:
  • Representation and stereotyping - This relates to my study as audiences are always representing females as sexual objects in the media as well as stereotyping them as weak and vulnerable which has been portrayed in Fast and furious.
  • Ownership and control - Control is seen where they were a given task to terminate Shaw
  • Media technology and the digital revolution – This relates to my study as it shows that technology has improved dramatically, which helps the editors to allow the audiences to see how women are really portrayed in the media
  • The effect of globalisation on the media - this relates to my topic as it shows that due to globalisation, representations of genders in the media have been influenced by society. 

Select at least five and say how each relates to your study, using keywords/specific theorists' names from the Media A-Z:

  • Semiotics - This was introduced by Barthes and is about signs and denotations. The denotations of the costumes in FF7 such as their skimpy clothing symbolises freedom and individuality.
  • Gender and ethnicity - This relates to my study as the whole idea is about gender. The way both males and females are being represented in the media and how this has a huge damaging effect on the audiences.
  • Marxism and hegemony - 
  • Audience theories - For example the hypodermic needle model which injects information into the audiences head. This relates to my text as the way females are represented in the film e.g seen as sexual objects, this could inject a message in the audiences minds that it is okay for women to be seen as that. 
  • Genre theories - This relates to my text as

Research plan (media texts, academic texts and websites)

Media texts
What your main focus will be::
Fast and furious 7

Other media texts
The Avengers
Comic book characters - Catwomen
She's the man

TV documentaries
Miss Representation (2011)

Academic texts/books
  1. Gunter Barrie: Television and Gender Representation (1995)
  2. Tonny Krijnen, Sofie Van Bauwel: Gender and Media (2014)
  3. Abolaji S. Mustapha, Sara Mills: Gender Representation in learning Materials (2015)
  4. Frances Bonner: Imaginig women: Cultural: Cultural Representations and Gender
  5. Mary Talbot: Language and Gender (2010)
Internet Links

  1. 'Female leaders gather to underline importance of educating girls'

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