Thursday 19 November 2015

Task 1 - Textual analysis

Textual analysis
Fast and the furious 7

Media Forms
In the extract shown above, the women have been portrayed as vulnerable and are presented as sexual objects. At 9 seconds into the clip, we immediately see a high angle shot of women painted in gold wearing a bikini which camouflages in with her shimmery skin making out as if she is fully naked. The use of a high angle shots shows the audiences her weakness and how she is defenceless. We see her dancing using slow movements, bending over and touching her legs, but no one is taking notice of her. This suggests she isn't respected and is only there for decoration purposes, she can almost pass off as is she is a trophy - something to be won. In addition, a close-up tilt shot is used on one of the dancing women, enhancing her feminine features and emphasises the fact that she is only there for entertainment reasons.

Although, a few seconds later a low angle shot is used on her allowing the audiences to see her whole body from different angles. Furthermore, the camera shows two women walking by, but their faces are not being shown, instead it’s their buttocks, suggesting that women are just seen as objects rather than an actual human. Lastly, the camera mostly films the women dancing rather than the men. This can be linked nicely to Mulvey’s theory of the male gaze, where women are presented for males to look at. It can also link to Berger’s theory ‘men act and women appear, suggesting that women are only used for amusement. However, as the extract progresses, we come across the main male characters who are dressed smartly wearing a suit and tie. They look dominant and powerful and seem as if they are in control with the current situation, compared to the women. This suggests that men are portrayed positively and women as negatively in the media. Feminists would argue that women are oppressed and subordinated by men, which is clearly seen in the media. Also, the one of the protagonists is seen making a speech to distract the guests and guards from seeing what the others are doing. The fact that a male is speaking suggests that women are not capable of making a speech in front of crowd.
In addition, the lighting used is high-key lighting which allows us to see everything within the extract; the sound is quite up-beat and fast which links to the speed of the cars. The sound played was parallel to the scene presented as it followed what was happening in it.


Todorovs theory can be applied to the extract. For example, the equilibrium is where they are seen where all the characters are dancing and enjoying the party. The disequilibrium is where Gibson is seen making a small speech at the party which wasn’t planned for it and so was unusual to everyone else. The guards get suspicious and try arresting him. The new equilibrium is where he manages to run away from the guards and saves himself.


  • It creates a dominant representation on the genders in the media for the audiences
  • objectified women in the media
  • Men as more powerful and women as weak
  • Women have changed dramatically in the media. They went from being reserved to now seen as sexual objects. 
  • Seen wearing skimpy clothing
  • Are exploited more by men then before
  • Before, it was about their voice and now its all about their bodies
  • The revenue - “Furious 7” has grossed $735.2 million overseas in 17 days and $273.7 million in North America after 15 days — making it the fastest movie to reach $1 billion.
  • Profit - FF7 made a significant profit of $1.37 billion
  • Cost to make it: $119 million 
  • Box office: $1.512 billion
  • Equal pay
  • Feminism

Representation and stereotyping - This relates to my study as audiences are always representing females as sexual objects in the media as well as stereotyping them as weak and vulnerable which has been portrayed in Fast and furious.
·         Ownership and control - Control is seen where they were a given task to terminate Shaw
·         Media technology and the digital revolution – This relates to my study as it shows that technology has improved dramatically, which helps the editors to allow the audiences to see how women are really portrayed in the media
·         The effect of globalisation on the media - this relates to my topic as it shows that due to globalisation, representations of genders in the media have been influenced by society. 

·         Semiotics - This was introduced by Barthes and is about signs and denotations. The denotations of the costumes in FF7 such as their skimpy clothing symbolises freedom and individuality.
·         Gender and ethnicity - This relates to my study as the whole idea is about gender. The way both males and females are being represented in the media and how this has a huge damaging effect on the audiences.
·         Audience theories - For example the hypodermic needle model which injects information into the audiences head. This relates to my text as the way females are represented in the film e.g seen as sexual objects, this could inject a message in the audiences minds that it is okay for women to be seen as that. 


Media form

In this extract of the Catwoman, Patience (the main character) is seen running on her two arms and legs (exactly the way cats do) up against the walls showing her talents and skills. The fact that the camera speeds up dramatically whilsts she is running shows her quickness and agility. As the extract progresses we see Patience fighting against four men. Another use of the camera speeding up dramatically shows us how quickly she's knocking the men out - showing her strength and dominance. This contradicts the stereotypes audiences give women and women in the media as it tells us that women can be powerful and stronger than men and are not the negative representations we give them.

 In addition, close-up shots are used on her face to see her facial expressions. In this case, we see anger and thirst portrayed all over her face suggesting that she is after something and wants it before the villains grab it. This shows the audiences that she is mighty and authoritative and won’t stop until she succeeds. However, as she is a female character and they are presented as sexual objects in the media, she is seen wearing a figure hugging black outfit to emphasise her feminine features. Also, her bright red lipstick highlights her sexuality and seductiveness. Moreover, her mask covers her identity. As she is a women, the audience do not need to take any notice of her apart from her skills, almost as if her face/sex does not matter. 


Todorovs theory can be applied here. The equilibrium is where Catwomen is seen at the beginning of the extract is seductively walking into the jewellery shop. The disequilibrium is where she starts fighting against the male thief’s and the new equilibrium is where she walks away with the jewellery in her hands.  


  • ·         It creates an alternative representation of women in the media as Catowomen is seen as dominant and powerful.
  • ·         The men are seen as less powerful in this movie

  • Women have changed dramatically in the media. They went from being reserved to now seen as sexual objects. 
  • Seen wearing skimpy clothing, but she is the main protagonist
  • Are exploited more by men then before, but in this extract she is seen more powerful than men
  • Before, it was about their voice and now it’s all about their bodies
  • ·         Budget: 100 million
  • ·         Box office: £40.2 million
  • ·         Revenue

Equal pay

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