Friday 19 June 2015

The representation of women in the media

Choose a media issue/debate from the list below.
The representation of women in the media

Read the three articles and make notes summarising the key points on your MEST4 Coursework blog

1. The world of Mockingjay
This article is about about a young female who volunteers herself to take part in a violent game so her little sister does not have to play instead. People are chosen from 13 districts from the lower class, whilst the upper class watch and entertain themselves.It involves each child to kill another until one is remaining. It talks about how the female character is more powerful than the male; which is ironic as its subverting gender roles. The male is supposed to be the hero, not the female.

2. Engendering change 
This article talks  about a cultural critic - John Berger and how men act and women appear. Women watch themselves being looked at, also known as the male gaze introduced by Mulvey. However, recently men are now watching themselves being watched. For example, this is known as the female gaze - women are watching men in the media e.g topless.

3. Goody and Boyle 
This article talks about both women where Boyle is portrayed as talented and Goody is portrayed as racist. In this case, the women are not represented as an object for men to look at, instead it talks about them who they are and what they've done in their lives which is rare as women are usually scene as sex objects in the media but in this case they aren't.

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